Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
You Have Surrendered Yourselves to Lucifer, You Do His Will!
Message from Our Lord to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of April 6, 2023

Believe firmly in what I tell you O woman!
All is accomplished!
Your God says to you: write to My beloved people.
My people, serve Me in these last hours before I do My Father's will. Use mercy on Me, O ungrateful people, give Me your heart and write My Holy Name on it; I, Jesus, will sustain you and place you in Me; I will not allow the Evil One to take you away from Me.
These are decisive hours for your salvation O man! Return to your God now! Do not waste any more time because there is no more time.
Verily verily I say unto thee, O man, I am weary of waiting for thy conversion, I am disappointed in thy behavior, I am sad unto death for thee.
The tomb is ready! Convert, O man, convert to rise in Me; do not allow Satan to drag you down to Hell.
Come out quickly from UR before this night falls, the hour of My Passion is the "great hour."
My children, I have to fight again for you, in order to save you, you have failed to give Me a single moment of peace; you have left Me crucified because of your sins. You have imbibed Satan's poison, you have feasted with him, you have become drunk with his evil. ... Curse you Satan!
My poor children, I should not have left you free will, I should have kept you in Me, you had no common sense, no love for your freedom. You have denied your Creator God, you have clothed yourselves in darkness; you have gone further and further into the valley of death.
Oh, My children! what a misfortune for you! And what sorrow for Me!
I see your being ... growing weaker and weaker: you have abandoned yourselves to Lucifer, you do his will; you have forgotten the sound principles of life, you have lost faith in Me.
Do not despise your Creator God, O men, do not lose your life; rise up from the slime above you: say "BASTA" to sin and death.
We are now only moments away, at the end of this life...
Source: ➥